Sunday, November 27, 2016

He will come to us like the rain!

Hosea 6:3(NRSVCE)

Let us know, let us press on to know the Lord;

    his appearing is as sure as the dawn;
He will come to us like the showers,
    like the spring rains that water the earth.”

Why pray?

I heard a wise man say that if we really believed in the power of prayer we would do it more often.

Why pray?

Because the Lord has great promises for us. Because he desires to answer our prayers! Because he wants to come to us. "Those who seek me find me"  

Proverbs 8:17(NRSVCE)

 I love those who love me,
    and those who seek me diligently, find me.

I think about the times of drought where the land gets so water deprived that it actually cracks open. It is as if the ground itself is crying out to the heavens seeking to be filled with water. As if the cracks themselves are the visual proof that there is space for the water to go. The ground speaks to the clouds "here I have made room for your precious rain, here in these open cracks."

What about us? Have we made room for the presence of Gods Holy Spirit in our lives? Are our prayers desperate? do we have passion in our prayers? Are we understanding our need to be filled? Can you hear Gods whisper pulling you away from the distractions of this present world, calling you to find Him in prayer?

Cry out to God, cry out to his blessed mother, cry out to the saints, go to your brothers and sisters for prayer! Be encouraged, be comforted, and be expecting, for our Heavenly Father is waiting.

And He promises us that He will come like the rain!

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