Wednesday, July 14, 2010

fighting to get away

I was at a Target store the other day, wife considers it relaxing and pleasant to stroll through a store and view merchandise....I'm usually o.k. with that as long as we don't actually buy anything!... We often make extravagant plans and shopping list of all the things that we would like to purchase in the wife wandered off and I had a thought...

I was looking at all the music c.d.' games..movies..magazines

aisles and aisles of plastic and metal

all designed to entertain and distract keep us busy ...and to make them money..when we should be doing other things...remember that thing called about prayer..and reading God's word?

In my mind I pictured the aisles and walls all going away and suddenly I was alone my hearts voice I said "Jesus, its you I need and it's you I love, help me to never forget you, no matter how much you bless me"

Jesus fought to get away..... to be with the Father also ...the scriptures tell us so (Luke 4:42) ...and if Jesus did it in His day shouldn't we do so today?


Monday, July 5, 2010

am i too comfortable?

I heard a preacher this week from New Zealand...normally this wouldn't be a big deal because I listen to alot of preachers...but this guy spoke with an anointing that made it hard for me to fight back tears......he was speaking for God.

He said alot of things but here is what really stood out (paraphrasing)
"the current prosperity doctrine has quenched the theology of sacrificial living for Christ Jesus"

..did you know that David Livingston the missionary to Africa suffered from malaria 27 times in two years for Jesus!"

He asked a question ...he said if someone presents an opportunity to you which involves sacrifice don't respond with "that doesn't make me comfortable"...our comfort has nothing to do with it...the question is "Is the Lord commanding us to do it?"....what is God commanding you to do...have you said no to protect your comfort?
