Thursday, June 21, 2012

the heart of a hero and the call of God

      What is it about stories of heroes and battle that thrill the hearts of men? The brave warrior who wins and rescues the beautiful girl. No matter how much the same story line is repeated, it is loved. Brave heart, Gladiator, 300,  the matrix, John Carter,  the list goes on and on, it is endless. There is something in us that wants purpose, and not just to have it, but to win at it. To have battle and struggle and in the end to overcome it. To have love and to be loved, to be needed by the ones we cherish. To be admired by the crowd around us. To be the rescuer, the hero!
       Why is this hidden away in the hearts of men?
        I would say because it is the unseen story of our lives. We have a day to day battle to overcome the evils around us, and not become that which we despise. Its harder then it sounds. The hurts of living in this world weary the strongest of men. If we live long enough we will all feel the temptation to carry a bitter heart. To give into temptation for temporary pleasure. To allow the lines of morality to be blurred for personal gain, after all, everyone else is doing it. Right?
        But, the heroes heart calls us to more, to stand against the tide. To confront the enemy and bow our knee only to truth. To do that which is right, even at the cost of our comfort. To not let the light of our souls to be stamped out by this dark world. The question is, are we brave enough and strong enough to go against the grain of our society? To live righteous, dare I say holy?
        There is a God, and he is calling the men and women of this world. Calling us with Him and His purposes. Calling us to be heroes, calling us to love. Calling us all to live for more than a moment... but for eternal glory with Him.  Whether we realize it or not we are all living out a story, an adventure, and Jesus Christ wants a heroes ending for us all.
          When I depart from this life and move on into eternity, I pray that that the people who knew me on my journey will say simply "Here was a man after Gods own heart, who dared to love God  in this dark world. Here was a man loved by many, because he was a hero"
              Galatians 6:9
              And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.